Thursday, August 4, 2011

Releasing Baggage

I am not there yet but I can tell you this—I won’t get there if I don’t constantly evaluate who surrounds me.  Have you ever heard the phrase, birds of a feather flock together?  Sometimes, it’s an unfair phrase. Opportunities lost because of your surroundings.  Connections missed.  And the horrible part about it is that you are an outstanding person.  It’s the people surrounding you that drag you down.  But, what can you do if you don’t continue to evaluate your life and those around you. Take a few minutes to complete this exercise.  Think about the 5 closest people in your life outside of your family and jot them down on a piece of paper, leaving spaces between each name.  Now, under each name, write 5 positive things they’ve brought to your life in the last 1 year.  These answers should flow freely.  When you’ve completed this exercise, review it.   Think about what’s most important in your life.  Do your answers fall in line with what’s important to you?  If not, you have some decisions to make to be on your way.

~~Tara (Tar-An)

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