Monday, October 20, 2014

Random Thoughts #19- Live Now!

People, in general, are creatures of habit.  We become accustomed to a routine.  We have responsibilities.  And as we follow through with our daily routines and satisfy those responsibilities, everything else goes on the backburner.  We don’t stop to smell the roses—to become overwhelmed with God’s beautiful creations.  Another thing we don’t do is focus on self—what makes us smile—what makes us happy—what improves us. 

I did a bit of research about how much time people waste in their life that I’d like to share with you. Taking into account your entire life:
ü  5 years are spent online
ü  26 years are spent sleeping
ü  366 days are spent being sick
ü  11 years are spent watching TV
ü  5 months are spent complaining
ü  99,117 hours are spent at work
ü  6 months are spent waiting in line
ü  20 weeks are spent being on hold
ü  46,800 hours are spent doing chores
ü  Only 115 days are spent laughing
ü  Only 658 hours are spent cuddling

We spend a massive amount of time dedicated to routine tasks?!  Now, compare the underlined time—the time you spend doing things that impact your heart and soul.  Just IMAGINE if a poll was taken on vacationing or counting stars or performing your favorite hobby or being social!  Life flies by—and the next thing we know we’ve aged 10 more years with a bunch of coulda, shoulda, wouldas!

So, I urge you to take that vacation you’ve wanted to take.  Take up that hobby you’ve been putting off.  Enjoy your loved ones before they no longer exist.  Smile often.  Laugh loudly.  Dance badly.  Sing off-key along to songs.  Count stars.  Sit outside and enjoy the fresh air.  Enjoy. Your. Life.

Random Thoughts #18- Be Open To Grow

Have you ever known someone who has the answer to everything—never apologizes for their mistakes—never accepts accountability—never admits fault—stops growing?

It’s a fact that now matter how old you are, you can still grow.  The difference between growth in age and growth in character is that the latter is a choice.  Have you ever heard the phrase, oh that’s just how they are? I don’t accept that—because, people shouldn’t just be tolerated just because they are set in their ways.  People need to be open to constructive criticism.  They need to be aware of their strengths and weaknesses—knowledgeable about their flaws.  We all have them!  People should be open for improvement—always. 

There needs to be a universal understanding that everyone does not think or act like you do.  Therefore, you have to be open to change—open for growth.  When you become so perfected in your character that there is no room for growth, you become obsolete to the masses.  That’s right, obsolete!  Let me explain what I mean.  I remember one time—and I can’t recall who said it but—someone criticized me for not saying thank you enough.  I was offended—even defended myself, saying that I do say it when it needs to be said.  Well, once I took the time to reflect, I realized that I didn’t say it.  I simply went through my days expecting people to do things for me without expressing any appreciation.  Because of that criticism, I now make a conscious effort to thank people for EVERYTHING.  And when I do so, the other person feels appreciated.  They may, in turn, appreciate someone else.  It’s a domino effect and it’s a way you can benefit others—and, of course, benefit yourself.

Random Thoughts #17- Avoidable Stress

Who has stressed you out?  Who has disrespected you, neglected you, hurt you, misunderstood you, lost faith in you, violated you or betrayed you?  How many times did you wonder what a person was THINKING when they committed this negative deed?  But really…do you know where the audacity came from? A person’s interaction with others involves SO much more than just 1-on-1.  It involves their life, their habits…their day.  A big percentage of a person’s emotional energy is either trapped in the past or stuck worrying about the future. In other words, it is just not available to you. So, on any given day you might start the day with as little as 45-50% of potentially available energy. Then the day most probably continues with events/people/places zapping energy from you, rather than adding to or nourishing you.  Just imagine how much positive energy a person might be lacking by the time that they attend to matters involving you!  For this very reason, whenever people generate personal turmoil within you, it’s important to take them with a grain of salt.  If you have any grudges that you currently have, it’s crucial for you to LET IT GO!  Yes, they may have been foul!  Yes, they may have hurt you!  Yes, you both may still have contradicting thoughts on who was right or who was wrong! However, we need to learn to release that negative energy and BREAK THE DOMINO EFFECT!

Random Thoughts #16- All About You

We have our insecurities that either everyone knows about—or no one knows about at all.

We can’t stand traffic jams when we’re running late.  And even rush when we have nowhere to go.

We make mistakes whether we realize it or not—and sometimes, we choose not to apologize for it.  And sometimes, we apologize and others don’t forgive us.  And sometimes, we harbor regret that consumes us and we never let go of that mistake. 

We act irrationally to a situation without thinking first—or we think first, and rationalize your own actions no matter how absurd they are. 

Every aspect of your personality makes you the quirky person you are—no matter how negative or positive.  And as long as you continue to strive to be better, all is well.

Now tell THAT to the next person that encounters you. 

Random Thoughts #15- Releasing Baggage

I am not there yet but I can tell you this—I won’t get there if I don’t constantly evaluate who surrounds me.  Have you ever heard the phrase, birds of a feather flock together?  Sometimes, it’s an unfair phrase. Opportunities lost because of your surroundings.  Connections missed.  And the horrible part about it is that you are an outstanding person.  It’s the people surrounding you that drag you down.  But, what can you do if you don’t continue to evaluate your life and those around you. Take a few minutes to complete this exercise.  Think about the 5 closest people in your life outside of your family and jot them down on a piece of paper, leaving spaces between each name.  Now, under each name, write 5 positive things they’ve brought to your life in the last 1 year.  These answers should flow freely.  When you’ve completed this exercise, review it.   Think about what’s most important in your life.  Do your answers fall in line with what’s important to you?  If not, you have some decisions to make to be on your way.