Friday, November 8, 2013

Random Thoughts #9- Game On!

Ok, so I can admit that even though I've dated for what seems like forever, I still seem to be clueless about it (in some aspects).  Here's my thought process.  If you like somebody, tell them.  If you want them to be sure that you like them, show them.  There are no rules on when and when not to tell him/her.  It's not the old times and we (as women) don't have to wait, sitting pretty, waiting for the man to chase us.  Just say what you want!  Go after it!  Tell him how you feel!  I mean, people, we are in a day and age of women getting down on one knee and proposing to their man.  We no longer wait until the man comes to the realization about it.  We should be forthright about it.  There is no guidebook on how the courtship should go with a man. Just follow your heart and where ever it leads you, follow it.  It's as simple as that.

That's what I thought.  But, boy was I wrong. 

The courtship process has got to entail a game.  The proverbial cat and mouse race.  The fact is that if a man does not chase a woman, if there is no challenge, it makes things less interesting.  Everyone does not act upon spontaneity, some people use discretion.  Now, I'm not very religious but, from what I've heard, the bible explicitly states that the man should chase.  So, who am I to argue with that fact!  The man should be the predator and the women should be the obliging prey.

But, here's where the game comes in.

Once the man pursues the woman, the woman can not simply give in.  She has to continue to present a challenge--essentially, throw the man off.  It's as easy as this..let's say you have a man playing a game of Grand Theft Auto.  He plays for hours on end with his eyes glued to the TV, skipping dinner, ignoring his significant other--just playing.  Why would he do that?  Because he's being challenged--mentally stimulated.  But, what if he could beat the Grand Theft Auto game in one hour?  Do you really think he would play it again?  Besides, he's already conquered it.  There's no challenge.  There's nothing to stimulate him anymore. 

We have to keep the cat and mouse race going.  If he texts you, wait for a bit to respond or don't respond until after the second text.  If he calls, don't be available all the time to answer.  Make him miss you.  Make him want you.  If you've ever seen the cartoon, Tom & Jerry, you've probably seen Tom trying his best to catch Jerry but Jerry always outwits him.  Yet, EVERY episode, he trys again.  We have to mimic that cartoon in courtships--and it looks like women don't have a choice in the matter.

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