Friday, June 27, 2014

Random Thoughts #14: Sailing Ships and Likelihood

We develop relationships, friendships and partnerships every day.  And as those ‘ships’ evolve, so do your expectations of them.

Expectations are understandable.  You create this lasting bond with someone.  You trust them—become comfortable with them.  You develop this give-them-the-clothes-off-your-back mentality and you ‘expect’ them to do the same.  Then, when they do something that makes you feel like it’s not being reciprocated to your liking, you get disappointed.

It’s important to understand that everyone is different.  Different thought processes—different personalities—different perspectives—different expectations.  True, it’s a remedial observation but people do forget it.  We become so inundated with self, strategizing and validating our own thoughts, that we trick ourselves into believing that other people should side with us. 

I had a friendship that spanned 15 years.  I began to feel like I was carrying the friendship; my friend just went along for the ride.  For years, she satisfied her BFF responsibilities, including me in her family time, inviting me to outings, calling me to chat it up about life and drama.  Then, it changed.  I became the only one initiating phone calls.  I’d find out about family gatherings after they already occurred.  She became so non-existent in my life that I started to question the BFF label.  I started to question her.  Did I do something wrong?  Why haven’t we hung out?  Her responses would give me lukewarm reassurance.  Then, the ultimate happened.  I accomplished a major milestone in my life—and she missed it.  That was the deal breaker—the unmet expectation.  My explanation of her behavior was that she’d become complacent in the friendship.  I felt that ‘ships’ were a 2-way street.  No matter how long it lasts, you always have to work at it.  When you stop, the ‘ship’ has sailed.

I had my hindsight view after I end my friendship with her.  She’d encountered a bunch of life-changing situations during the complacency stage of our friendship.  Loss.  Struggle.  Love.  Pain.  Financial strife.  And in all of her situations, I kept trucking along in our friendship as if nothing happened.  And what I failed to realize was that life-changing situations not only preoccupy you—they change you.  And it gets deeper than that!  I’d encountered my own life-changing situations.  Depression.  Loss.  Low self-esteem.  And those situations changed me!  So, here you have 2 people dealing with each other the same way.  One person setting expectations on the other—without letting the other person know—and one feeling like the other should understand her disdain.

Setting expectations on someone is a losing battle.  Nine times out of 10, expectations aren’t communicated, resulting in a communication breakdown.  Two people end up at odds because one didn’t meet a requirement—because reciprocity isn’t exercised. 

I read a book once by Dr. Robert Cialdini called The 6 Principles of Influence.  Reciprocity is one of the 6 principles—equivalent to the other 5 principles but used so excessively that its’ been placed at the top of the list.  But, what about the other principles of influence?  Let’s take ‘liking’, for example.  Liking is the act of doing something for someone without expectation or reward.  Just doing things out of the goodness of your heart.  No expectations.  No reciprocation.  Just doing someone because you like someone. 

We got out of that favor so often because we desire validation—a feeling that we are not being used. And unfortunately, we may cross paths with a person that genuinely DOES NOT value us—someone that uses us.  And it makes us reluctant—paranoid.  Then, we start to set expectations on EVERYONE and believe that, if they don’t meet our expectation, they aren’t worth our time.  We forget about LIKING.  Just liking someone because you do.  Just doing because you want to.  Just treating someone the way you want to be treated.  Just paying it forward.