Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Random Thoughts #7- Never Forget

Sometimes, as I go through my day, I see things that make me envious.  Nostalgic, I guess.  I can recall, not to long ago, heading out to the club and hitting the dance floor, doing my pat-a-cake or Nina Pop (Monastery) dance.  Now, I'm hesitant to dance because I don't know what's current.  I turn on the rap/r&b radio station and don't know half the songs.  I watch video awards shows and only know half the artists.  I've given up on keeping up with fashion trends because, let's be honest, I don't like most of the new trends.  The slang phrases have changed.  People aren't in touch with their feelings anymore, they're 'in' their feelings.  I'm telling you, it makes me nostalgic!

So, I guess the realization is really that I'm getting old. It's funny how you find yourself missing the past. It's like back in the day was easier, funner, just all-around better.  I posted a status on Facebook the other day that said, "I wish it was 1998 and I was watching Midnight Love on tv."  I remember when the lyrics soothed and related to you.  I remember when television shows had lessons and the family gathered together to watch it--together.  I remember togetherness. 

Nowadays, it seems that people are always busy just to be busy. They rush through life without stopping to smell the roses--stopping to look up at the amazing sight of clouds--stopping to read a book--stopping to relax--stopping to pick up a hobby--stopping to receive and give true love.  That's what I miss.  I miss the singing of cicadas in my ears after an entire day of playing outside.  I miss riding a bike.  I miss skating.  I remember when I could skate forward and backwards, swaying in perfect unison with the beat of the music.  I was 12 then.  But, just 2 years ago, I put on those same skates (yes, I still wear the same size!) and attempted to skate forward and backwards and couldn't. In fact, I couldn't even stand up at all.  I was in an arm-waving frenzy as I gripped onto the nearby lockers and my feet slid in two different directions.  I used to be able to ride a bike with no hands.  I've made no attempts as an adult to ride a bike so I'd make the assumption that I don't even know how to ride anymore.  The point I'm trying to make is this--never become to busy or clouded to remember the things you once loved--the things that once mattered--the things you once paid attention to.

Fully embrace your future but never forget the past (the good stuff about it that made you all warm and fuzzy inside).  I may not know the recent dance moves but I can dance a mean two-step!  I own a pair of jelly bean shows and I smile whenever I wear them.  I get excited when an infomercial flashes across the television, advertising a collection of old r&b music.  I just had a No Limit card party for my birthday and everybody came with a handful of No Limit music and we rapped all the lyrics aloud to each other.  I still own a VHS and, yes, I still have VHS movies that I watch sometimes.  I paint.  I doodle.  I stand outside at night, staring at the sky and counting the stars (that is, until the mosquitos start biting).  Sometimes, in the middle of a serious conversation, I make a goofy face.  You don't have to be so serious all the time. You need to live instead of existing.  You must never forget the beautiful things.